Questions to Ask a Conveyancer Law Firm

The journey of real estate transactions can easily get complex for any buyer who's looking to purchase a property, or any seller looking to fetch a good price in the open market. Once a willing buyer and willing seller meet, the journey towards completing the property transfer is only halfway complete.

Coveyancing is an important process that covers the transfer of property ownership from a buyer to a seller. There is often a lot of legal jargon and paperwork that governs property and ownership transfer, and a conveyancer law firm can help buyers and sellers navigate through this quagmire.

It is therefore critical to work with the right conveyancing professionals to ensure that you appropriately and legally complete your real estate transactions. Here are a few key questions to ask a conveyancer law firm before hiring them.

  • Are you a member of a professional conveyancing organization?

Law firms that are members of a professional conveyancing organization often provide better services and advice to their clients. Such firms are able to adhere to the standard practices that are required by the industry and they tend to be more up to speed with current regulations that may have been recently introduced into real estate transactions.

Ask your conveyance law firm if they are members of organizations such as the Australian Institute of Conveyancers.

2. What services do you typically offer?

A conveyancer law firm should be able to offer most of the basic services that surround conveyancing duties. These services involve preparing and submitting legal documents on your behalf, working with all the parties that are involved in a real estate transaction, and championing for your interests during the closing process of the property transfer.

In addition to these basic services, conveyancers should also go above and beyond to ensure that you're making the transaction with regards to your best interests.

3. Do you specialize in any types of properties?

Most conveyancer law firms will specialize in a particular type of property, such as commercial, residential or rural properties. Asking for the specialisation of the conveyancer allows you to work with one who best understands the industry in which your conducting the property transfer.

4. What are your costs?

Understanding the cost structure of a conveyancer can be tricky. The law firm should provide clear and easy to follow invoices for all their services so you can prepare yourself accordingly. The conveyancer law form should also have your best interests in mind and be available to address your concerns on short notice.
